Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Friday, October 25, 2013

Affirmation Tool 

When I am overwhelmed, thinking “How can I ever get everything done that I need to do today?”
I do the Hourglass Affirmation Tool Exercise. 
 I have an hourglass on my desk close to my computer. I watch each grain of sand going through the tiny neck of the hourglass and think about how just one grain of sand is able to get through at a time. If I try to force more than one grain, it clogs up and stops! I use this in my life doing only one task at a time and that way every thing gets done!



SHOW Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show
TIME 12:00 noon-1pm Pacific Standard Time
DATE   Saturday October 26th, 2013

... Intuitive Medium/psychic, Radio/Internet Talk Show Host and much more. She is a regular on my show on the last Saturday of each month.

Do you have questions about loved ones who have passed on? Now is your chance to speak personally with World Renown Carole Matthews. As usual she will be taking your calls and answering your questions from loved ones who have crossed over. To Speak directly with Carole Matthews personally please call -in to our Toll Free Call Number 1-877-230-3062
We will also be discussing health challenges and appropriate Affirmation
Tools to use. See you there!
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