Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My special guest on the Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show is Tim Stringer. He is a CTI-trained coach; workshop leader and yoga teacher. He is the founder of Coaching Life and the creator of It's About Time---a one-day workshop based on the profound lessons he learned when he came face-to-face with an aggressive form of cancer in 2008. He has a degree in engineering and has spent the past twenty years working in technical and management roles, both in the Corporate World and as a Technology Consultant and trainer at his company 'Technically Simple.'
SHOW TIME: 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. PST on

Tim will be sharing information on how you can benefit and learn from your various healing techniques, etc. -----

1. Ask for Help - It is okay to ask others for help.
2. Stay Conscious - His healing journey gave him lots of time to look at his life and re-evaluate what was and is really important.
3. Power of Being. Even though he was physically weak he went through his treatments and was amazed at how much impact he had on others.
4. Family and Community - His health challenge/experience reinforced a fundamental belief in the importance of family and community.
5. Power of the Mind He learned how powerful the mind is when it comes to healing and how a belief in an outcome can go a long way to manifesting the outcome.
6 Uncertainty Tim's cancer experienced was riddled with uncertainty and he experienced how creative a space this could be.
7. Value of Life. Perhaps most importantly Tim learned how to value his time and and how precious life really is.

Out of his health challenge Tim developed a workshop called It's About Time that encapsulates what he learned while he was growing through the cancer journey. The workshop draws upon his training experience as a Coach; Yoga Teacher; and Technologist and this course is designed to help participants get to the root of what is holding them back in life and to imagine what is possible once these constraints are removed. Participants leave the workshop with specific plans, declared new habits and a set of proven tools to help them move forward in a powerful way. He also provides one-on-one coaching by telephone and he is available to speak on a wide variety of topics, ranging from healing to the impact of modern technology.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hey, I Just Got an Interview for a Position! ! !

Those are great and wonderful words and they suggest that you are a step closer to your goal of landing that perfect, lasting, successful career/position for you!

Did you know that your non-verbal actions are equally important as your verbal (the words you say?) There are numerous non-verbal signals that we use all the time, whether or not we are aware of using them.

Go into the Interview with the idea, concept of who you are and what you can do for their company to improve sales, Company moral, etc. not what the Company can do for you. That should come later when the compensation (salary package) is discussed.

Following are some suggestions and/or Communication Guidelines for you to consider -

Ask yourself,"How is my attitude? Do I need an 'attitude adjustment?' Ever heard of 'Fake it until you Make it'? ? ? --- this is very true. So you are a bit nervous, anxious and worried about your money situation and if you will be selected for the That is very normal and understandable. You know that, but is it necessary to broadcast those negative emotions to others, especially your Interviewer? I think not! Tell yourself that you are a wonderful, competent person willing to learn and one that the Company would be thrilled to have working for them. Okay give yourself a real talking to--practise healthy, positive self-talk! Tell yourself that you are important and you have wonderful talents and skills that you are willing to 'gift' the Company with. Never appear desperate as this actually could turn your Interviewer off completely.

Straighten up, shoulders back, head held high, put on a 'warm and genuine SMILE' and walk tall into the Interviewer's office. Know who you are, what you can do for the company and how many professional skills you have to offer and Oh Yes, remember to Smile!I believe that SMILE stands for:--

S - Simple
M - Message
I - I
L - Like
E - Everyone

Always make direct eye-contact. If you find it difficult to look a person straight in the eyes, look at the bridge of their nose. If you don't make proper eye-contact the Interviewer could think you are shady or have something to hide. Also when you look down you could appear unsure, timid or not truly respecting you and your abilities and skills. Keep your head up at all times, unless you are reading from something.

The 'Good Old-Fashion Handshake' -- You cannot beat it (that is if it is done properly.) Be firm, but do not use too much pressure. One never knows if the person receiving the handshake has delicate or sensitive hands. I remember when a colleague grabbed my hand and shook it very vigorously that it really hurt. Some ladies (and men as well) have rings and they can dig into the skin when too much pressure is used.

Should you give a 'wishy-washy' handshake you could be judged as a timid person who has trouble making him or herself heard and vacillates back and forth with making decisions, either personal or corporate. One way when you wish to shake hands is to lean slightly forward while standing solidly on the floor. For us women that wear high heeled shoes, make sure the shoes you wear for the Interview are comfortable and you feel stable in them. Also are your feet are too close together? If they are you could appear hesitant, unbalanced or perhaps rather timid.

Mirroring the Interviewer is another way. When I am counseling clients and they are sitting across from me with their arms crossed over their chest, I always ask them to please uncross their arms as I feel they are not hearing or even considering what I am saying and sharing with them. You can very subtly mirror the other person's body postures, gestures, expressions, etc. Please don't make it obvious or you could appear to be a controlling type of person. I also find it more powerful when speaking to a group of people to stand instead of sit as standing gives a greater height awareness. Of course you need to sit down when the Interviewer say, "Hello, I am ____________, please have a seat."

Be genuinely interested in what your Interviewer is saying. Make comments when appropriate. Listen, Listen, Listen with both of your ears. Refrain from thinking so hard about what you will say next that you do not hear what the Interview is saying.

Never tell negative stories or carry tales about negative things from your previous employer and/or boss/supervisor, etc.

Talk in your Interviewer's interest. Make him or her feel like he or she is the most important person in the world at that particular time! If he or she likes playing golf, talk about the golf game, etc. --- you get the picture. The Ten Magic Words that I suggest you use are very simple -- "You are so inter sting, please tell me all about yourself." Most people cannot resist taking time to answer this question, (sometimes in great detail) if it is asked very sincerely and you appear to be very interested in the answer. After all, you are speaking about the most important person in their Universe---Him or Her!

Stay in a position of power when you leave the Interview. Remember your stance, how you carry yourself, your attitude and handshake all tell a great deal about you and how you will handle the position you are applying for. And for goodness sake, please remember to SMILE! Costs nothing--gives much!

Happy Position/Career Finding
Dr. Anne Marie Evers