Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Monday, April 05, 2010

Message from Pastor Reg and Rev-Dr. Anne Marie Evers of The Angel Chapel, North
Vancouver, B. C. Canada

We trust you had a happy, loving and peaceful Easter time and that you took time to stop, meditate and pray. It is so important that we all join in and pray for World Peace. We invite you to join in with us, in your mind, every night at 11:00 o'clock Pacific Standard Time and pray and affirm with us as follows:

We all jointly and severally affirm the following --

"Divine Wisdom and Divine Order to our World Leaders; Peace in the World, Healing, Love and Respect to Mother Earth; cures for cancer and all disease and that we use the cures we have and healing and protection to our men and women in the armed forces both here and overseas." WE recognize and thank all of our thousands of Prayer/Affirmation Partners all around the world.Then we add the prayer requests of people worldwide together with our own personal requests and we close by saying, "We NOW join in with any person, anywhere in the world, who is at this moment thinking thoughts of love and peace and we jointly and severally send these thoughts ito every corner of the world." Amen and so it is!

Please send us your prayer requests. We would be delighted to have you join us!

With much love and Affirmation/Prayer Blessings
