Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Explore Your Heart's Deepest Desires
Listen To Your Deepest Truth - Develop your Intuition and
Communication /Inner Discovery Abilities

DATE Friday, November 20th
TIME 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
PLACE Unity Church of Vancouver
ADDRESS 5840 Oak Street (Oak and 42nd)
ADMISSION $20 ($25 at door)

(for advance tickets, etc.)



Clairvoyant, Intuition Development Specialist & Speaker—Learning to Listen to Your Quiet Inner Voice

You will learn how to quickly and easily harness the power of your intuition to make decisions
you can trust, even when you don't have all of the facts. You will also experience Cheryl's amazing audience readings.


Teacher of highly effective practices for communication and inner discovery that are not widely known.

Learn about Dyads-a special form of communication that can magically open up your imagination and inner most self and powerful communication skills that you can instantly apply to improve your relationships with self and others.

We invite you to attend and experience an evening of honing your intuition, communication and inner discovery abilities. We will focus on discovering your deepest desires and gifts. The skills that you will begin to developed will be applicable to many other areas of your life.



Monday morning get out of bed.
Stretch and moan and raise your head.
Greet the week with vigour anew
How you make it is up to you.

Tuesday is here let’s give a cheer.
Our courage is up,we have no fear.
The task is daunting,we will not fail.
Make sure to check all your e-mail.

Wednesday comes hip hip hooray
The middle of the week called hump day.
From this day forth it’s all down hill.
There’s a lot more to do you can’t sit still.

Thursday comes your doing fine
Your on a roll and beginning to shine.
You breeze through work with time to spare
Take time to love and to care.

Friday arrives”T.G.I.F.”you hiss.
You’ve succeeded no doubt about this.
Tidy your desk get ready to run
The weekend is here have lots of fun.

Saturday morning you sleep in late
Not much to do you have a clean slate.
Tidy your home,do the laundry as well.
The chores are all done,your feeling swell.

Sunday rolls in,all is quiet and bright.
Your a little hung over from Saturday night.
You’ve made it through another week of your life
Next week do it with a little less strife.
