Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today, Monday October 26th, 2009 Pastor Reg and I experienced a truly magical day when these two kakuna Nahoku and his lovely wife Kalei visited us from The Big Island in Hawaii and blessed our Angel Chapel in our back yard in North Vancouver, BC.

It was pouring rain (which they say represents abundance) and just as Kahoku came out of the Angel Chapel and was blessing and acknowleding the trees, grass, air, all of natures and the sky, and just as he lifted his arms to the sky right at that moment, out the dark clouds came shinning rays of bright sunshine! All the people in attendance stared in awe and some gasped. It was so magical.

An experience both Pastor Reg and I will cherish.


Part taken from Opening Ceremonies by Dr. Anne Marie Evers on Friday October 23rd, 2009 at the Body Soul & Spirit EXPO.

"It is now my great privilege and pleasure to welcome and introduce to you Nahoku Kamakawiwoole and his wife Kalei, who are native Hawaiian priests and carry a sacred connection to the Hawaiian Goddess Pele even as they travel. "I was born Hawaiian here, of this dirt and rock," says Kalei," so the manna of this place is in my bones. I am automatically empowered from my connection to it wherever I am."

Nahoku Kamakawiwoole is a famly partiarch whose lineage connects to the Royal Family of Hawaii. His wife Kalei is a gifted seer and guide and they are both here with us at the 2009 Body Soul and Spirit Expo to share with us in the Opening and invite you to visit them and experience a personal healing and guidance session during the next three days."
