Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness

Passport 2000+ Newsletter: Welcome to the Wonderful World of Affirmations

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dear Barbara Enreneich

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I do not agree with you that positive thinking and Affirmations do not work! It is not my intent to in any way insult you or take away from your work and belief system, however I feel the need to speak out.

I do agree with you however that when you are facing a serious illness, just saying a few positive words does not do the job. What I teach people is to obey their doctor's orders, processes, procedures, etc. and then use Affirmations which are positive words as an ADDITION TO. When people tell me they are feeling so much better as a result of doing Properly Done Affirmations and want to stop taking their medications, I strong advise them to Keep on taking their medications (unless the doctor reduces or discontinues it) AND USE the Affirmation Process I teach as an Addition to.

As well we need to 'blow breath' into our Affirmations by taking the appropriate action.

Over my lifetime hundreds of Affirmations have manifested for me and I have taught many others the same process with outstanding results.

I also believe that each person is certainly entitled to his or her own belief system, but I wonder if making statements like Positive thinking and Affirmations do not work will be detrimental to the reader.

When I discovered I had cataracts on both my eyes, I had been doing Affirmations saying perfect eyesight--20/20 vision and taking vitamins, etc. to make that manifest. However, I was led to the perfect surgeon and as a result now have what I was affirming for in the first place -- that is perfect eyesight 20/20 vision. My surgeon was totally amazed at my quick recovery of my right eye and three weeks later he performed surgery on my left eye. He was curious what I was doing to make this happen.

When I got home from the hospital I affirmed for Complete and speedy healing and recovery. Just hours after my first surgery I was having lunch with my husband Reg (who incidentally I did an Affirmation for) at a restaurant.

I believe I used the power of Affirmations, blew breath into my Affirmation and received the results I affirmed for. Along the way I shared my info about Affirmations with many nurses, doctors, etc.

I believe that the process of doing Affirmations can be very varied and different for different teachers.

The process I teach is outlined on my websites and books. Every Affirmation must contain the 3 P's -- personal, positive and present tense and must contain the safety clause which states that everything must be to the good of all parties concerned. Each Affirmation ends with Thank you, thank you, thank you and the maker dates and signs the Master Affirmation. This then becomes a firm and binding contract with God/Creator, Universal Mind or whomever the person believes in.

I also stress that when people are doing Affirmations to sit down and really think about what they desire and to ensure that they have at least a 51% believability factor that the Affirmation can manifest as affirmed. In other words to be totally realistic.

With all the negativity in the world today, it is my belief that it is most important to give people Realistic Hope. And I am sure you agree that miracles do happen!

I am sorry that you had to suffer breast cancer and that I cannot explain.

I have received hundreds of testimonial letters and still am receiving testimonials via email, phone calls, fax, personally and by snail mail from people who have used the Affirmation Process that I teach and have achieved miraculous results.

Thank you for listening to my point of view.

Rev Doctor Anne Marie Evers

Phone: 1-604-988-9907 Should you be interested in speaking with me I would be delighted.


Below is a response to a remark that I posted.

Dr. Anne Marie Evers wrote:

I watched several talk shows over the past several days where Barbara Enreneich, author of the book, Bright Sided stated that Positive Thinking and Affirmations DO NOT WORK and belief in them was causing problems in the world. With all the negativity in the world today I am sad to see people spreading more. Isn't it better to spread HOPE, LOVE, PEACE & JOY?

I was very disappointed that this statement was made as people all over the world are using the power of the spoken and written word--Affirmations with great, sometimes miraculous results.
I have had hundreds of positive Affirmations manifest for me over the years and have tons of testimonials from people worldwide attesting to the great results and miracles they have experienced as a result of doing Affirmations properly. I would appreciate your comments."


From Sandee Elash

I missed the show, but if it was today, I'll be sure to catch it for the midnight repeat. However, without watching it I must share with you that I believe positive thinking, prayer, action & Affirmations DO work in keeping your 'hope' and 'faith' in finding strength & fortitude to 'carry on' through the dark valleys .......
...... AFTER ALL, as human beings, we will all visit that place at one time or another in our lives. It's just preparation for building our character...and can assist in humbling us so that when we do reach the bright peaks...we are READY FOR THEM! As in ... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! RIGHT, Rev-Doctor (Angel) Evers?


Friday, October 16, 2009

What do you think about the process of doing Affirmations?
Do you think you have ever done an Affirmation?
What is your definition of an Affirmation?
Can Affirmations be both negative and positive?
Do you think doing Affirmations -- asking for what you want -- is selfish?

Have you had an Affirmation manifest as affirmed?
What do you think about self-talk?
Do you think it is important to do the forgiving process? Please explain why.
Do you feel that your thoughts create your reality?
Do you believe you can change your thoughts immediately?

I would love to hear from you with your answers, comments, ideas, etc.

Please send your emails to --

Love & Blessings
Dr. Anne Marie Evers



Dr. Anne Marie Evers: DEMO STAGE - Affirmation & Miracles

Sunday, October 25th at 2:30 PM

Join Dr. Anne Marie, known as “the Affirmation Doctor” and Pastor Reg Clemens for a powerful and interactive live demonstration of the power of affirmations with audience members. Dr. Evers will be selecting and creating affirmations for several members of the audience during this session, and creating individually tailored effective and individual Affirmations.



Dr. Anne Marie Evers: Awaken the Magic Genie Within YOU

Sunday, October 25th at 1:00 PM

We all have a magic genie in us, it is the inner power of creation and consciousness that is our divine birthright. Dr. Anne Marie Evers – also known as the “Affirmation Doctor”, will share with you her proven methods, tools, exercises and Affirmations to manifest you desires and make your dreams come true.



Dr. Anne Marie Evers: DEMO STAGE - Affirmation & Miracles

Saturday -October 24th at 1:00 PM

Join Dr. Anne Marie, known as “the Affirmation Doctor” and Pastor Reg Clemens for a powerful and interactive live demonstration of the power of affirmations with audience members. Dr. Evers will be selecting and creating affirmations for several members of the audience during this session, and creating individually tailored effective and individual affirmations.



Dr. Anne Marie Evers: Awaken the Magic Genie Within YOU

Friday 8:30 PM

We all have a magic genie in us, it is the inner power of creation and consciousness that is our divine birthright. Dr. Anne Marie Evers – also known as the “Affirmation Doctor”, will share with you her proven methods, tools, exercises and affirmations to manifest you desires and make your dreams come true.




Dr. Anne Marie Evers: DEMO STAGE - Affirmation & Miracles
Friday 6:30 PM

Join Dr. Anne Marie, known as “the Affirmation Doctor” and Pastor Reg Clemens for a powerful and interactive live demonstration of the power of affirmations with audience members. Dr.Evers will be selecting and creating affirmations for several members of the audience during this session, and creating individually tailored effective and individual affirmations.


Body Soul & Spirit Expo
October 23, 24, 25.

Lecture Schedule

VANCOUVER 2009 Lecture Schedule
Dr. Anne Marie Evers: OPENING CEREMONIES -- Friday 3:00 PM

Opening the Body Soul Spirit Expo by using the power of properly done Affirmations, thoughts, self-talk and mind power to make this 2009 Body Soul Spirit Expo successful, harmonious, loving and beneficial to every one involved. Together with first nations drumming and song by Jo Lynn Daisy and friends of a Gathering of Natural Ways, and Hawaiian Chants by two Hawaiian kahuna --Nahoku Kamakawiwoole, and his wife, Kalei. This is their first appearance in Vancouver.
